Even if you don’t suffer from acne, your pore size and cleanliness determine how smooth your skin appears. Enlarged pores can make you look older, which is something many people overlook. There are a lot of frequently asked questions and myths about pores out there that we’d like to address – Can your pore size really change? What do clogged pores look like? Does hot water open pores? Why do we have pores, anyway?

What are pores?

Pores, the tiny openings along your epidermis (aka the top layer of your skin), are hair follicles that play a very important role in keeping your skin healthy. Their main purpose is to release sebum and sweat from your sebaceous (oil) and sudoriferous (sweat) glands. These important glands are located in the dermis (aka the middle layer of your skin) and your pores enable sweat and oil to come to the surface layer of your skin. Sweating helps to regulate your body temperature and remove waste, while oil helps to keep your skin supple, hydrated, and healthy.

What causes clogged pores?

A build up of dirt, oil, and dead skin cause clogged pores. Clogged pores can result in many different types of acne like whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Whiteheads and blackheads (also known as comedones) form when a hair follicle becomes clogged with dirt, oil, and dead skin cells.

Now that you understand what pores are and their vital role to the health of your body and your skin, here are four of the most common myths about pores debunked.

Myth 1: Pores get larger

While clogged pores can make your pores appear larger, your pores never actually change size. The size of your pores is purely genetic. If you have oily skin, your pores will also appear larger. Keeping your clogged pores clean from dirt and oil is the only thing you can do to reduce their appearance.

Myth 2: Pores open and close

Your pores are always open – yes, even if your pores aren’t that noticeable and appear closed. If you’ve ever gotten a facial or done one at home, then you know the first step after cleansing is to steam your skin to "open your pores." In reality, the steam helps to loosen buildup to give you a more thorough cleanse, as well as make any extractions less irritating. And no, cold water won’t close your pores. Pores need to remain open to keep your body temperature regulated and skin healthy.

Myth 3: The dark part of a blackhead is dirt

What exactly do clogged pores look like? Chances are you’ve experienced having clogged pores multiple times in your life. Did you know that the dark part of the blackhead isn’t actually dirt? When exposed to the air, a chemical reaction takes place, and the top of your pore gets oxidized. So a blackhead occurs when the skin around the bump opens and air gets in. That causes the oil to turn gray or black. Thus, the name: Blackhead.

Myth 4: You can shrink your pores

Sorry, but no. You can use all of your mud masks and try all types of laser treatments, but in the end, you can’t shrink your pores. You do, however, have the power to reduce their appearance. That’s the golden ticket when it comes to smooth, flawless-looking skin. Keeping your pores from being clogged is as simple as using the proper ingredients for your skin type in your face wash, toner, treatment products, and moisturizer.

The takeaway

Did you have a few aha-moments while reading this? In short, your pore size is genetic and no matter what you do, you can’t change it. Instead, focus on a proper skincare routine that keeps your pores free of dirt, oil, and dead skin so they stay clean and therefore appear smaller. In addition to your daily skincare regimen, you can also add a weekly clay mask to help exfoliate your skin.