Imagine this scenario -- your pesky breakout finally clears up and you feel like you can get back to being your confident self. Then a few days later… the breakout is back! You’re frustrated, thinking to yourself, "No matter what I do I keep getting acne in the same spot." Frustrating, right?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help you understand the reasons why you might keep seeing acne in the same spot and give you some strategies for how to stop getting acne.

Why do I get acne in the same spot?

There are a number of reasons you might repeatedly get acne in the same spot. One of the simplest reasons is that some places on your skin naturally produce more oil (sebum) due to a higher concentration of oil glands (such as in the t-zone). This oil hydrates your skin, but when it mixes with dead skin cells and other debris to clog pores, acne can form. The t-zone on your face (forehead, nose and chin) is where you may see recurring acne due to its high amounts of excess oil.

Introducing dirt or bacteria to a pore can also cause recurring acne. For example, when you work out and consistently wipe the sweat from your forehead with your hands after touching gym equipment, you create a recipe for acne. Your hands pick up all sorts of bacteria and oil throughout the day so it’s important to avoid touching your face — especially those spots where you’re prone to acne.

If you experience frequent acne on your chest or back and sweat a lot, it’s possible your attire is too tight. Tight clothing (like workout clothes) can seal sweat against your skin and create friction, creating a humid environment in which acne-causing bacteria loves to thrive. Look for loose-fitting workout gear and remember to always wear freshly washed clothes to the gym, otherwise you’re re-exposing your skin to yesterday’s bacteria.

Acne in the same spot can also be the result of hormone fluctuations. Certain hormones increase oil production and oily skin can be a hotbed for acne without proper treatment.

Clean your skin regularly

The most fundamental part of your skincare routine is cleansing, morning and night (and after a workout). It’s important to keep your skin clean so dirt and bacteria don’t sit on your skin for long lengths of time.

For a powerful cleanser that washes away dirt, oil, and debris without stripping it dry, try the Ultra-Gentle Cleanser from the ProactivMD® 3-Piece System.

Limit stress

Stress itself doesn’t create acne, but many of the factors that cause acne can be exacerbated by stress. For instance, stress can influence your body to release hormones that stimulate oil production, leading to breakouts.

When feeling stressed, try taking your focus off the things in your life that are causing stress and anxiety and focus on what you’re doing in the moment without worrying about the past or future. Be mindful of your feelings and try keeping a journal so you can review what’s causing you stress and come up with responsive, not reactive, practical solutions.

If you’re just looking for some general activities and tips for preventing stress, try spending time in nature, meditating, exercising, practicing deep breathing or limiting instances of multitasking throughout your day. Keeping your focus on one thing at a time can help prevent you from getting overwhelmed.

Avoid popping your pimples

Picking or popping pimples without the help of a professional dermatologist or aesthetician may make your pimple worse, or lead to acne scarring. It can also slow down the overall healing process. Additionally, sometimes multiple pores are connected to a single oil gland. Popping a pimple on top of one clogged pore can make oil underneath the skin clog the connected pores and create more acne.

How to treat acne recurring in the same spot

Once you’ve limited the factors mentioned above, it’s time to focus on treatment. The Adapalene Gel in the ProactivMD 3-Piece System is a topical retinoid that attacks breakouts on a cellular level and can help reduce breakouts. Even if you aren’t currently breaking out, applying the Adapalene Gel to your problem areas as directed can reduce the frequency and intensity of future breakouts in the area.

The final step of the ProactivMD 3-Piece System is the Ultra-Hydrating Moisturizer. Keeping your skin’s moisture barrier consistently intact is one of the keys to healthy skin. Recurring breakouts could be caused by dry skin, which prompts your skin to respond by producing too much oil. Even if you have oily skin, moisturizer is important and the Ultra-Hydrating Moisturizer uses an anti-shine finish to hydrate your skin without the oily appearance.

The bottom line

Nobody likes acne, especially when it keeps coming back. Find the proactiv® acne treatment system that’s right for your skin type and works for the long haul!